Thursday, August 26, 2010

Technical Difficulties and Changes...

I have an assortment of photos that need to be posted here. Unfortunately, our computer will NOT read our camera card and so I can't post anything until that's fixed.

Lately, I've been thinking about this blog and about life in general. I've decided a couple of things:
1- I am going to change the name & focus of my blog somewhat. The original intent was show work that I would be selling. I think I will occasionally still do this, but I realized that our home is a little (and by 'a little,' I mean a lot) lacking in the furniture department and it would make more sense to keep what I create until the house is fully furnished. So the blog will now be about our home becoming more 'homey.' I will try to put up everything- paint choices, furniture re-dos, flooring changes, gardening work- whatever happens to our home, I want to put it here.

2- We are moving to California in less than one week. It goes without saying that this project/outlet of mine will be put on the back-burner until we've settled into our new diggs. Actually, we need to find and buy a new house altogether. Once we've moved in, the party will start again and I hope you'll be back to share with me your ideas or be a little inspired by some of my own.

So hopefully, our computer will be working soon so I can show off the many projects I have completed in time for our move. I've finished the dressers and I want them seen! Also, I've refurbished the following: candlesticks, exterior lights, a toy chest, a bulletin board and two lamps and by golly this computer just HAS to get fixed already!